The Nearness is a spiritual community for people who don't vibe with organized religion. We designed an identity worthy of ritual and reverence.
web design
Graphic design
The Nearness is a community and curriculum design to help people reconnect with their spirituality. Through weekly discussions, expert guidance, and inspiring workshops, they aim to help people connect more deeply with themselves, the ones they love, and the people around them.

EJ has worked with The Nearness co-founders Casper and Alec from a very early stage, developing a brand that is "worthy of reverence", as well as designing and implementing their website, developing marketing materials, and creating key assets to support the first cohort of members through their journey.

“You have such a gift of creating BEAUTY, and of leading a process of design with amateurs like us.”
Casper ter Kuile — founder & ceo, the nearness
Want to learn more? Get in touch!
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